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Would your business pass the 3 beers test?

It’s a Thursday evening. You’ve travelled to meet some contacts, and had a great day.

The meeting is very productive, and turns into 3 beers and a meal. Great fun and the night quickly slips away from you.

You rush for a late train home, and on your commute back flick through a few emails and news articles on your phone. But it’s a warm carriage, and combined with a full stomach and the effects of a few beers, your eyelids start to droop…

(we’ve all experienced something like this, haven’t we?)

You wake with a start as the train pulls to a stop, and you hear the automated voice announce the train has arrived at… your stop. In a rush you grab your phone, coat and jump off the train onto the platform.

Yes! You did it! That was close…

The train starts to pull away… and suddenly you feel sick.

Your laptop bag. Where’s your laptop bag? You put it in the luggage rack… Oh… My… IT’S STILL ON THE TRAIN…

You watch with despair as the train pulls away, taking your laptop with it.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmWSts-__jg&w=560&h=315]

A few years ago, a situation like this would have just been annoying and inconvenient. But that’s about it. Laptops are easily replaced commodity products. Data backups mean your information can be recovered.

However, under GDPR, this scenario has potentially quite a different outcome.

Because the new law requires you decide whether or not a data breach – which includes losing data – should be reported to the authorities… and to the people whose data has been lost.

Sound like something that could happen to your business? Get our free GDPR data security guide today.

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