Phishing and pharming are two of the most malicious threats in cyberspace and aim to acquire their victim’s sensitive information, both personal and work-related.
These scams can happen to anyone, so knowing what these two tactics are and what they do is essential in protecting your sensitive information. We have a dedicated blog post to the importance of cyber security specifically for businesses, complete with our experts’ cyber security basics to consider.
This post will briefly explore what phishing and pharming are, the main similarities, and the main differences.
What Is Phishing?
Phishing involves the attacker sending malicious emails and instant messages to their victims with a dodgy link that they are enticed to click on. Once clicked, the victim may be taken to a website to enter their private details and passwords, or their computer may be infected with malware.What Is Pharming?
Pharming is a type of attack where the victim will be redirected from a legitimate website to the hacker’s, often identical, fake website. This imitated website will encourage the victim to enter private information.The Similarities Between Phishing and Pharming
- Obtaining Personal Information
- Domain Name System (DNS)
The Difference Between Phishing and Pharming
- The technique of the attack
- Ease of identification of the attack
- Ease of initiation of the attack