When it comes to generating a strong password, a concerning number of people are uninformed or don’t act on the guidance that’s out there. Cyber security is vital for businesses, and it’s important for personal accounts too. In this post, we’re looking at the top five least-secure passwords and three easy tips on creating a strong password that you can implement to improve your cyber security.

What is a Secure Password?
Speaking at an RSA security conference in 2004, Bill Gates predicted the end of the password as we know it. He said: “There is no doubt that over time, people are going to rely less and less on passwords. People use the same password on different systems; they write them down, and they just don’t meet the challenge for anything you really want to secure.” Even now, almost twenty years later, his second statement still rings very true. The average person uses infinitely more passwords than they could have even imagined in 2004, and yet the majority of people remain unaware of how to generate a strong password.The Worst Passwords
In 2021, NordPass published the most common passwords of the year, and the outcome was a little bleak. In the UK, the passwords used most frequently over the last year were:- 123456
- password
- liverpool
- password1
- 123456789
Creating a Strong Password
- Choose secure passwords
- Password managers
- Don’t expire your passwords